Wednesday, June 24, 2009


Sometimes I wonder how Wild animals wind up in captivity. Most places will tell you that they rescued an animal and brought it back to health. Some places will tell you that the bird can no longer fly or was a menace to someones property. I cant see the harm in letting this owl free to fend for him self. What the picture dosent show is that he's in an 8'x8'x8' enclosure with walls on three sides and a screen front and gravel for a base. It seems as if the animals in captivity have developed a sort of birdy depression. The blank stares that emit from inside the cages make you wonder what the captives are thinking. ( Why am I still here... When is my next mouse comming, I'm hungry...If I was out there I could go get all the food I want... why is this guy looking at me an talking like that.) Granted if the old owl truly cant fly, then thats great this place is feeding and taking care of him, but then ask this, why do they have leather restraints on his feet to keep him from flying away. I think he is the star of their outdoor show which means. he can fly and think for himself. I still just hope someday he'll be set free for one more soar or flyby before its too late.

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